Restore & Flow Yoga

8 Chains North 38593 Daymont Lane, Waterford

Join Exhale Yogi at 8 Chains North for a morning yoga practice on Mother's Day Weekend. The class is an hour long and designed to increase mobility, flexibility, strength, endurance, and joy. Wine is available for purchase separately after class. Purchase your Restore & Flow Yoga tickets by April 30 and enjoy $20 early-bird pricing.


Virginia Wine Love Weekend

8 Chains North 38593 Daymont Lane, Waterford

This May, Virginia wine fans gather at wineries across the state—including 8 Chains North—to share their Virginia wine love during the first Virginia Wine Love Weekend. Each winery will have its unique spin on the meet-up,  including VIP reserved tables for Virginia Wine Love-ers to meet, share favorite winery stories, and pick up wine country travel tips. At 8 Chains North, you'll enjoy 10% off bottle purchases, as well as a 10% coupon on bottle purchases to use at a future date.Check in at wineries during the weekend, and you'll receive an entry into the “Virginia Wine Loves You Back” […]

Live Music with Kimberly Burke

8 Chains North 38593 Daymont Lane, Waterford

Enjoy live music with Kimberly Burke. Kimberly is a singer-songwriter and recording artist. As a classically trained musician she is a very versatile performer, able to cover songs of multiple genres and styles including, Country, Pop, Rock, Blues, Jazz, Soul, as well as Classical music. She is a powerful vocalist  with an impressive range. As a performer, her voice has a captivating sultry tone with a lot of raw emotion. Plan your visit.